Beautiful pics of Alison Carroll and Alisha Wainwright feet and legs

Alisha Wainwright (born Alisha Ena) is an American actress. She's best known as the star of the Freeform TV series Shadowhunters. Alisha E. Wainwright is an American actress. Alisha Wainwright is is an American actor. Raising Dion, Shadowhunters and Shadowhunters are among her best-known works. She was born and raised in Orlando, Florida. Wainwright was raised and born within Orlando, Florida. Alisha's first appearance on screen was in a Little Mommy ad at the age of five. This led to her first acting role, The Wyoming Story for TV in the year 2010, following her birth in Vancouver. Alison Laura Carroll, an English actor and model, is a gymnast. The real-life model of the video game character Lara Croft between 2008 and 2010. English model who is most well-known because she was the video game's model character Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider series from 2008 to the year 2010. Also, she's a gymnast and has appeared in films including the 2009 film Doghouse. The actress also competed in the United Kingdom competition as an athlete. While working as receptionist for a golf course in 2008, she was offered a modelling job with Lara Croft in 2008. She was also a highly regarded gymnastics teacher, choreographing and directing the routine for Britain's National Championships' winning junior team. She established the Lightning School of Gymnastics, in 2012

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